We’re back to this..
Big La Laguna as we know it. Calm clear waters, beautiful sunshine & soaring temperatures, lots of guests & great diving.
Of course we know that this time of year can be pretty crappy but here in Puerto Galera we’re normally protected from most bad weather.
Typhoon Saola (Gener) passed through the Philippines on the way to mid-China via Taiwan causing massive damage and loss of life in all three countries.
Luckily for us we only experienced a few days of really bad weather & a little bit of inconvenience.
Large areas of Manila & parts of Rizal were affected by the ensuing floods. If you would like to help the victims of typhoon Saola you can make a donation to the Philippine Red Cross at
Mudslide behind Big La Laguna.

Kim’s house was left devastated by the mudslide.

Fortunately no-one was home at the time.
Resort Renovations
Power To The People! (Well to our guests anyway).

The power project continues as the old Scandi generator is getting a well needed overhaul. The brand new generator is already in place in the all new Gen. House up at Campbell’s and has the capacity to run both resorts during a brown-out. Which of course it better for you! Immediate power for air-con/fans, ref.s/TV’s etc 24 hours a day.
Once the old Scandi generator is fixed up it will also go into the gen. house. It’ll be connected to Campbell’s so the new one doesn’t have to work so hard & we have back-up if needed!
Life’s A Gas!

An unplanned project in August was the death of the dive shop compressor. It started to make some strange noises & Arman noticed that there seemed to be metal filings in the oil – not good! On closer inspection it was determined that several inner parts had come to the end of their life.
So now we have a brand new Bauer Poseidon 220L Compressor. Which for the divers reading this means quick tank fills with very clean air & for Arman it means that we have more full tanks at the ready so less running around!
With thanks to Christian & the guys from Whitetip for installing it.