You know how much we love our turtles, so here’s another vid of a beautiful turtle happily munching away, with tech divers Marti Duggan and Steve Wright lurking in the background 😉
Tag Archives: Puerto Galera Marine Life
Thanks to Finn for this video of our divers swimming along with a beautiful turtle in Big La Laguna Bay, just outside Scandi Divers Resort. There’s some really nice close-up stuff about 1 minute in.
Turtles are regular visitors to Big La Laguna, and one of our favourites. So graceful in the water, they are an absolute pleasure to watch up close.
Book your dream Philippines tropical diving vacation with us, and you’ll be swimming turtles and other amazing creatures before you know it!
One of Scandi Divers’ guests, Yu Mengcuan from Beijing. Totally excited about this 13kg Yellowfin Tuna caught in the deep waters out from Big La Laguna Bay.
Yum! Looks like we’ll be eating well!

It’s been more than two months now since a mother Green Sea Turtle came and laid a clutch of eggs right on Scandi Divers’ doorstep. If you have been following our blog, you will know the eggs were moved to a protected area further up the beach, away from the dangers of storm waves, animals and people.
We have been patiently waiting and monitoring the turtle eggs, and were recently rewarded when 54 baby turtles emerged from the sand! It has taken a total of 73 days for the eggs to hatch, which is right inside the average time of 45-75 days.
For the past 4 years, our friends at Coco Beach have been running a turtle sanctuary to try and improve the odds of survival for turtles, and increase the population. The sanctuary raises the turtles until adolescence (approx 2-3 yrs) when they will have a shell size of about six to eight inches, before releasing them into their natural environment.
Normally in the wild only about one in one hundred turtles will survive into adulthood.
Our 54 hatchlings have already been transferred to the sanctuary and 3 juvenile turtles were released to make room for our little critters. We hope the 3 teenagers thrive in their natural environment, and hope to see them around in our local waters for years to come!